I have had a few people say, "someone else put that pyramid there after he died.".... and so begins the circular arguments.
I like the idea of saying, "I will not sit with men of lies.".... What was the first sin? lying.... What made the whole world fall into it's evilness? Satan lying... Satan is a liar, and the father of the lie. (To which JWs will agree)
Then, you bring up the ARC trials, and the lies that were told. It is not doctrine, it is just plain old lying. No excuses can be given for lying.
Just keep repeating, "God will not make me sit with men of lies" "Jesus would not shun me or disfellowship me for not wanting to sit with people who act like his number one adversary" "My conscience will not allow me to support liars" "Do I have to support people who lie?"